Articles for Tenants

Rental life can be stressful, we're here to help. In the tenants section of Four Walls you'll find temporary home decor ideas, tips for negotiating with your landlord, and more.

Rental Ready for the Holidays: Decorating Tips for Apartment Living

Just because you're in a rented space doesn't mean you can't infuse it with holiday cheer and style. We've curated a collection...

Living with Roommates: Tips on How to Make It Better

 The lockdown has taught us that it does matter who you’re sharing a space with. For those who work remotely, being locked...

Furnishing Your New Apartment Without Breaking the Bank

Congratulations on your new place! However, you may find yourself without a couch. Furnishing a new apartment on a budget can seem...

Beat the Heat: Tips for Keeping Your Home Cool

As amazing as the sun can feel after a long winter, there's a point when summer comes and cold air sounds better. The summer...

Efficient Energy-Saving Tips for Lower Fall Utility Bills (infographic)

As fall approaches and temperatures start to cool, it's a great time for tenants to consider making their living spaces cozier and...

Renting a Property? Here Are a Few Things to Check Beforehand

There is more to renting a property than simply looking at how it's laid out and the area it’s in. You should...

How to find your perfect rental home fast

There are actually a lot of benefits to renting a place- you get all the privacy and space you want without the worry of...

Rent Smarter, Not Harder with Rentler- Your Apartment Solution

Embarking on the search for the perfect rental property can often feel like navigating a maze. It's a journey filled with anticipation,...

How to Embrace Sustainable Living as a Tenant

As the years go by, more people are starting to watch the news and face the facts that it's time to live...
There's a smarter way to rent.
There's a smarter way to rent.

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