Is your rental home feeling a bit impersonal or lacking character? You’re not alone. Making a rental home feel cozy, inviting and stylish while working under rental agreements and avoiding permanent changes can be a tough task. But what if there were clever and affordable rental home decorating tips that can turn your vanilla rental property into a vibrant living space your tenants would love?

To whet your appetite, here’s a sneak peek at what you should be thinking about when it comes to rental home decorating:

  • Negotiating for major changes (paint, extensive decors)
  • Investing in quality, multi-functional furniture
  • Using rugs, lighting, and removable wallpapers and wall decals for enhancement
  • Incorporating natural elements like indoor plants
  • Creating storage solutions and optimizing outdoor spaces

Next up, we’ll be diving into these rental home decorating tips and more, illustrating ways to implement them without violating your rental agreement or causing permanent changes to the property.

Every small adjustment can make a significant difference and contribute towards making your rental property feel like a vibrant, inviting home to you. So, let’s dive right into these creative and clever rental home decorating tips.

1. Get Written Permission for Major Changes

Why You Need Permission from Your Landlord

Before you start making any major changes to your rental property, it’s important to understand the legalities involved. Most rental agreements have specific clauses regarding alterations to the property. While your lease might seem like a huge limitation, remember that it’s there to protect both you and the landlord.

As tempting as it may be to revamp that outdated kitchen or install a new light fixture, always seek written permission from your landlord first. This can prevent potential disputes down the line and ensure you get your security deposit back when you move out.

How to Negotiate with Your Landlord for Decorating Changes

We at Rentler understand that negotiating with your landlord might seem daunting. However, it can be a win-win situation if approached correctly. Here are some tips:

  1. Propose the changes in a way that benefits the landlord: Highlight how your proposed changes can increase the property value or make it more appealing to future tenants.
  2. Be specific about what you want to change: This can help your landlord make a more informed decision.
  3. Offer to cover the costs: While this might not always be feasible, it can significantly improve your chances of getting a green light.

While it may seem like an extra step, getting written permission for any major changes is a crucial aspect of rental home decorating. It not only ensures a smooth decorating process but also sets the stage for a positive landlord-tenant relationship.

2. Invest in Quality, Multifunctional Furniture

When it comes to rental home decorating tips, one of the most effective strategies is investing in quality, multifunctional furniture. This not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your rental home but also maximises your space and adaptability, which is particularly beneficial if you’re dealing with a compact space.

Choosing Furniture that Suits Your Style and Space

When selecting furniture for your rental home, consider pieces that reflect your personal style and fit well within your space. Your furniture pieces play a significant role in creating a homely feel and adding character to your rental space.

Also, consider the functionality of the furniture. For instance, a dining table can serve as a work corner during the day and transform into a dining area at night. This not only saves space but also creates a dynamic and adaptive living environment.

How Multifunctional Furniture Can Save Space and Adapt to Different Needs

Multifunctional furniture is a smart investment when decorating a rental home. For instance, a sofa with hidden storage can be a great space-saver, providing extra room for storing items like blankets, books, or seasonal clothing.

If you’re tight on space, consider stackable furniture pieces, that can fold away, or can be stored easily. A nest of tables or stackable chairs, for example, can be easily moved or stored when not in use, creating more room and flexibility in your space.

However, while buying furniture may seem like the obvious choice, it’s worth noting that furniture rental services like Fat Llama, partnered with John Lewis, offer a practical alternative. You can rent desks, chairs, dining tables, and sofas for 3, 6, or 12 months, which can be a cost-effective solution for short-term rentals or for those who like to frequently update their home décor.

3. Use Rugs to Transform Your Space

One of the most effective rental home decorating tips is to use rugs to enhance your living space. Not only can rugs add a splash of color and texture to a room, but they can also hide unattractive flooring that you may not be able to change.

How Rugs Can Hide Unattractive Flooring

In many rental properties, the flooring may not be to your taste, or it may show signs of wear and tear. A well-placed rug can easily cover these flaws, instantly upgrading the look of your room. They can also add a layer of comfort underfoot, especially if the existing flooring is hard or cold.

Apart from hiding unattractive flooring, rugs can also help segment open spaces. If you have an open-plan living room, for example, using different rugs can help define separate areas such as the dining and sitting areas.

Choosing the Right Rug for Your Space

Selecting the right rug for your space depends on several factors, including the size of the room, the existing color scheme, and your personal style.

When choosing a rug, consider its size and shape. A small rug can make a room feel disjointed, while a rug that’s too large can overwhelm the space. As a rule of thumb, there should be at least 10-20 inches of bare floor between the edges of the rug and the walls of the room.

For the color and pattern, you can either choose a rug that complements the existing color scheme or use it as a statement piece to add a pop of color. If you are unsure, neutral colors like beige, gray, or navy are versatile choices that can fit with many different styles.

Don’t forget about the rug’s material. If you have pets or children, opt for a rug made from durable and easy-to-clean materials. On the other hand, if you are placing the rug in a low-traffic area, you can choose a plush rug for added comfort and luxury.

Lastly, remember that rugs aren’t just for floors. Wall rugs can be a creative way to cover large, bare walls, acting as a piece of art that adds texture and warmth to the room.

4. Enhance Your Space with Lighting

Why Good Lighting is Essential in a Rental Home

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a comfortable and inviting ambiance in your rental home. Not only does good lighting make your space feel larger, but it also emphasizes your chosen decor and creates different moods in various areas of your home. It’s a powerful decorating tool that can transform your space instantly.

Moreover, as a tenant, you might not have the luxury to make significant changes to your rental home. But the good news is, you can control the lighting. By playing around with light fixtures, you can significantly impact the feeling of your space, enhancing its aesthetics without making any permanent modifications.

How to Choose and Install Rental-Friendly Light Fixtures

When selecting light fixtures for your rental home, consider the function of each room. For instance, table lamps create focused lights perfect for reading in the bedroom, while the floor and table lamps in the living room create an ambient glow during the evenings, helping to anchor the overall scheme.

In addition, opt for LED bulbs for your light fixtures. They are a more sustainable option and will last for around 10 to 15 years. This is not only cost-effective but also reduces the hassle of frequent bulb replacements.

Another tip is to consider plug-in options for light fixtures. These can easily be installed and removed without causing any damage to the property. For instance, you can use plug-in pendant lights for the dining area or plug-in sconces for the bedroom. These fixtures not only add a touch of elegance to your space but are also rental-friendly.

Though altering the lighting in your rental home can significantly enhance the space, it’s always best to consult with your landlord or property manager before making any changes.

Lighting Ideas - rental home decorating tips

5. Add Personality with Removable Wallpaper and Wall Decals

When it comes to rental home decorating tips, one of the best ones we can give is to utilize removable wallpaper and wall decals. These are a fantastic way to add character and personality to your rental without making any permanent modifications.

The Benefits of Using Removable Wallpaper and Wall Decals

Removable wallpaper and wall decals allow you to change up your rental’s aesthetic with little effort and without causing damage to the walls. They come in a variety of colors, patterns, and designs, giving you the freedom to customize your space according to your taste. The best part? They’re mess-free and can be easily removed when it’s time to move out.

Wallpaper can provide a significant design boost, quickly transforming a room from bland to wow. As one user pointed out, a bold pattern can instantly elevate a room, even without any other fancy furnishings TheHomeSIHaveMade.

On the other hand, wall decals offer an alternative for those who might find wallpaper too overwhelming. They are usually made from re-positionable wallpaper or vinyl and can be arranged in a myriad of ways to mimic the look of the wallpaper or create an entirely unique design.

How to Apply and Remove Wallpaper and Wall Decals Without Damaging Walls

Applying removable wallpaper and wall decals is a straightforward process. Start by cleaning the wall to ensure it’s free from dust and dirt. Then, simply peel off the backing and stick the decal or wallpaper onto the wall. It’s best to start from the top and smooth out any bubbles as you go down.

When it’s time to move out, you can easily remove them without any residue or damage. Just peel them off from the corner, and they should come off cleanly. If there’s any adhesive residue, it can usually be wiped off with a damp cloth.

As temporary tenants, our goal is to leave the rental property in the same condition as when we moved in. That’s why these removable solutions are perfect for rental homes. They allow us to personalize our spaces without causing any permanent changes or damage.

6. Incorporate Plants and Nature into Your Decor

Biophilic design, the practice of incorporating elements of nature into our living spaces, is not only a trend but also a proven way to enhance well-being and add a touch of personality to your rental.

How Plants Can Improve Your Living Space

Having indoor plants can dramatically change the atmosphere of your rental home. They can enliven a space, provide a calming effect, and even improve air quality. Moreover, plants offer an easy and non-permanent way to decorate your rental. You can move them around as needed, and they won’t leave any marks or damages that could risk your deposit.

Choosing the Right Plants for Your Rental Home

When it comes to choosing the right plants for your rental home, there are several factors to consider. You’ll want to think about the amount of natural light in your space, the size of the plant, and how much care it requires.

For spaces with limited sunlight, consider plants that thrive in low light like the Peace Lily or Rubber Plant. If your rental has high ceilings or empty corners, a tall Kentia Palm or a Swiss Cheese Plant can fill the space beautifully. For those who might forget to water their plants now and then, the Hoya plant is a great option. It’s a resilient plant that can still produce fragrant pink flowers even when watered infrequently.

For an added bonus, why not try growing a small herb garden? With a potted basil or rosemary plant, you’ll always have something fresh and organic to elevate your meals.

7. Create Stylish Storage Solutions

Storage is an essential part of any home, and when it comes to rental properties, it’s even more critical. Not only does proper storage help keep your space organized and clutter-free, but it also allows you to maximize the use of your space.

Why Storage is Crucial in a Rental Home

In most rentals, space is a premium. Having enough storage helps you keep your belongings organized and out of sight, which can make your rental feel more spacious and less cluttered. Beyond that, good storage solutions can also help protect your belongings from wear and tear, and make it easier for you to find what you need when you need it.

A well-organized home is not just aesthetically pleasing—it’s also more functional. As we’ve previously mentioned on our Rentler blog, with the right storage solutions, you can create a space that’s both functional and stylish.

How to Choose and Install Rental-Friendly Storage Solutions

When choosing storage solutions for your rental, consider your needs and the space you have to work with. Opt for versatile items that can serve multiple purposes. For example, a coffee table with storage underneath, or an ottoman that doubles as a storage box. These multifunctional pieces can save space while providing a place to stow away items.

Another clever storage idea is to use wall shelves. These can serve as a display for your books, hats, and other accessories, as suggested by HGTV. Floating shelves are a great option as they create storage without taking up floor space.

For a more portable option, consider stylish storage baskets, as suggested by HouseBeautiful. They can be used in living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms to hide clutter while adding character to your rental.

Before installing any storage solutions, check if it requires drilling or any permanent alteration to the property. If it does, make sure to ask for your landlord’s permission first. If drilling isn’t an option, there are numerous damage-free methods available, such as adhesive hooks and suction cup shelves.

8. Hang Artwork and Photos Without Damaging Walls

Choosing the right wall decor can be a game-changer in bringing your style and personality into your rental space. A carefully selected piece of artwork, a cherished photograph, or a unique wall hanging can make a stark rental space feel cosy, homely, and uniquely yours. However, as a renter, you need to consider damage-free methods of hanging these items to preserve the integrity of the walls and avoid losing your deposit.

How Artwork and Photos Can Personalize Your Space

The walls of your rental home are like a blank canvas. Hanging artwork, photographs and other wall decor items can dramatically change the atmosphere of your rental home, making it feel more like your own space. These pieces can serve as conversation starters, add a pop of colour to a neutral room, or simply bring you joy every time you look at them.

A well-placed piece of art or a framed photograph can draw the eye and become a focal point in a room. Mixing different sizes and styles can also add interest and depth. So don’t shy away from expressing yourself through your wall decor.

How to Hang Artwork and Photos Using Damage-Free Methods

As a renter, it’s crucial to avoid making any permanent changes to your home without the landlord’s permission. Luckily, there are plenty of damage-free hanging solutions available today.

One popular option is using Command hooks and strips. These products are designed to hold a variety of weights and can be easily removed without leaving any residue or causing any damage. They’re a great option for hanging frames, posters, and even heavier items like mirrors and shelves.

Another option is using removable tape. This is an excellent choice for lightweight items like posters or unframed prints. Just be sure to choose a tape that’s specifically designed for this purpose to avoid damaging your walls or your artwork.

9. Make the Most of Small Outdoor Spaces

As a landlord or property manager, you might overlook the potential of outdoor spaces in your rental property. However, a well-decorated balcony or patio can significantly enhance the appeal of your property. Here are some rental home decorating tips to help you make the most of even the smallest outdoor spaces.

How to Decorate a Small Balcony or Patio

Even the smallest balcony or patio can be turned into an inviting outdoor space with a bit of creativity. Start by thinking about the functionality of the space – would your tenants use it for relaxing, dining, or perhaps gardening? Once you’ve identified the primary use, you can begin to choose appropriate furniture and decor. For example, a small bistro set could be perfect for a tiny balcony where tenants might enjoy their morning coffee.

Add some greenery to the space. Potted plants, hanging baskets, or even a small herb garden can create a calming, natural environment. If your tenants are plant lovers, you might consider incorporating container gardening. This not only adds life to the area but also provides tenants with a hobby.

Choosing the Right Outdoor Furniture and Decor for Your Space

Selecting the right outdoor furniture is crucial. Foldable chairs or outdoor floor cushions can provide extra seating without taking up too much space. An outdoor rug can add a splash of color and make the area more comfortable and inviting.

The outdoor space is an extension of the home. As such, the decor should reflect the interior design style to create a seamless transition.

Also, outdoor lighting is essential to extend the view from inside the home onto the terrace. As the design team at BoConcept suggest, without lighting on the terrace, the windows become a black mirror reflecting the interior back. You can use planter lights and floor standing lanterns to create pools of light.

10. Return the Rental to Its Original Condition

Why It’s Important to Restore Your Rental Before Moving Out

One fact we cannot stress enough at Rentler is the importance of leaving your rental property in the same state as you found it. Despite the creative liberties you might take when decorating, it’s crucial to remember that you’re renting a home, not owning it. This means that any modifications you make should be temporary and easily reversible.

Respecting the property and returning it to its original condition not only ensures you get your security deposit back, but it also maintains a good relationship with your landlord. This can be invaluable if you need a reference for future rentals.

How to Easily Restore Your Rental to Its Original Condition

Before you start any decoration, we recommend taking pictures of your rental property. These photos will serve as a reference when it’s time to move out and restore everything to its original condition.

When packing up, make sure you have a clean, safe place to store items you’ve removed, such as blinds, curtains, or light fixtures. As you take down your decorations, carefully fill any holes made from hanging pictures or shelves. Use a filler that matches the wall color, or, better yet, have touch-up paint on hand.

If you’ve used removable wallpaper or wall decals, ensure you peel them off slowly and carefully to avoid damaging the paintwork. For any hardware changes you’ve made, like door knobs or cabinet handles, replace the original ones.

All the items you’ve temporarily removed, such as blinds or light fixtures, should be reinstalled. Use the photos you took when you first moved in to ensure everything goes back exactly the way it was.

Decorating a rental home can be a fun and rewarding experience, and with these rental home decorating tips, you can make your rental feel like home without losing your security deposit.


We’ve provided a variety of rental home decorating tips that can help transform your rental property into a cozy, personalized space without violating your lease agreement. These tips are not only practical but also cost-effective, allowing you to make your place feel like home without breaking the bank.

Whether you’re a seasoned renter or just starting your renting journey, these rental home decorating tips can be invaluable. A rental property is still your home. Don’t be afraid to put your personal touch on it and make it a space that reflects who you are.

We encourage you to start decorating your rental home today. Even small changes can make a big difference in making your space feel like home. For more tips and insights, check out our blog for a wealth of information on everything from rental decorating ideas to effective landlording. Happy decorating!