Breathe Easy: The Top Plants for Air Purification in Your Apartment

If you're looking for a natural way to purify the air in your apartment, look no further than houseplants. Many plants are...

Transform Your Apartment with These 5 Cozy Fall Decor Ideas

As the leaves outside transform into a kaleidoscope of warm, autumnal hues, it's the perfect time to infuse your apartment with the...

Modernizing Your Home: Upgrades Renters Can Make on a Small Budget

Renting can be a great option for many — you have a stable but flexible living situation, and the cost of any...

How Color Affects Your Home. Dark Vanilla

You'll never go wrong with this shade of medium-light brown. Even though Dark Vanilla is a light brown tone, it has become...

Rental Ready for the Holidays: Decorating Tips for Apartment Living

Just because you're in a rented space doesn't mean you can't infuse it with holiday cheer and style. We've curated a collection...

Cleaning Green: Part One

One day as I was hunched over my tub, spraying heavy-duty bleach cleaner without a care in my small apartment bathroom that has no windows, the thought...

Eco-Friendly Halloween: Sustainable Practices for Apartment Living

Halloween is just around the corner, and while we're all excited about costumes and candy, it's also an excellent time to consider...

Transform Your Rental Balcony or Patio into a Cozy Retreat

When you first moved into your rental, that small patio or balcony may have seemed like a charming feature. However, if you...

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Apartment Cool

As the temperature rises, it's time to optimize your apartment for the warmer months. Cooling down your living space is not only...
There's a smarter way to rent.

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