A Renter’s Emergency Preparation Guide

There is no doubt that we live in an uncertain world. Danger could strike at any time. However, the good news is...

Moving from a dorm to an apartment: 5 things to leave...

A dorm is a good primer for life outside your parent's house. But the real pinnacle of adulting comes when you move into your...

Budget Décor Ideas for Small Rental Homes

Moving to a new home gives you an opportunity to redo the entire interior. We all love living in places that are...

Let There Be Light in your Rental

Moody indoor ambiance has a time and a place, but you don't always want it to be dark when you're trying to rent to someone. If...

Cleaning Green: Part 2

In case you missed part one, I'm testing out natural house cleaning supplies to see what works and what doesn't. This time around I focused...

The peaceful tenant’s guide to coping with noisy neighbors

You were so relieved to find what you thought was the perfect apartment, in what seemed like a quiet area. But now your dream...

A Plant Guide for Apartment Problems

Winter is always long, and by time March rolls it’s nice to have something to remind you that the dead, frozen landscape won’t last...

Who’s in Charge of Winter Yard Maintenance

The relationship between landlords and tenants is always a topic of discussion. When it comes to dividing the rental property responsibilities, there...

How Color Affects Your Home. Anti-Flash White

While we don't like to pick favorites, there's one room type that always makes our design hearts flutter: an All-White interior. While...
There's a smarter way to rent.

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