How Color Affects Your Home. Gunmetal

Deep, vibrant tones of turquoise and blue have been popular in kitchen and bathroom furniture for the past two years. As technology...

Decorating your Small Rented Space

Decorating a rented home is never an easy task. Part of your budget goes to regular monthly rent payments and there are always a...

A Renter’s Emergency Preparation Guide

There is no doubt that we live in an uncertain world. Danger could strike at any time. However, the good news is...

Moving from a dorm to an apartment: 5 things to leave...

A dorm is a good primer for life outside your parent's house. But the real pinnacle of adulting comes when you move into your...

Thursday Design Inspiration: Fall

Okay, I guess it's time to admit fall is really coming. It's easy to focus on the negative (toting multiple sweaters to the office and...

How to create rooms in a studio apartment

Cities are the future. In 2018, the majority of people on Earth – 55 percent of global populations – live in cities and that...

What’s Your Holiday Decorating Style?

I have a theory that there are two types of people when it comes to apartment-dwelling decorators; the type that saves valuable space for...

First-Time Renter Checklist: 10 Things To Follow For Success

Renting an apartment or house for the first time can be an exciting and overwhelming experience. To make the process as smooth...

Question of the Day: Would You Do This?

Would you ever transform a closet into a bedroom? As rent increases in popular cities like NYC, many families are trying to utilize any...
There's a smarter way to rent.

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