Rental Life
2017 Resolutions for Your Rental
Whether or not you believe in making resolutions at the start of a new year, sometimes it just feels good to sit down and set...
Beat the Heat: Tips for Keeping Your Home Cool
As amazing as the sun can feel after a long winter, there's a point when summer comes and cold air sounds better. The summer...
A Simple Fix for Annoying Cabinets
This blog post might seem kind of random, but I recently fixed a problem that has been plaguing my apartment for months and thought it...
Is Negotiating Rent a Good Idea?
Let's say you're the living personification of what a perfect tenant should be: you pay your rent on time, you keep the noise levels...
How To: Soundproof Your Apartment
Nothing can make you despise your rental quicker than excessive noise. Like when you discover you have the kind of neighbors who do intense cardio at...