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What is alternative credit data and how does it impact your...

Recently I have started to see a lot of companies talking about alternative credit data. Naturally, I became curious and wanted to...

Rent Affordability: Is the “One-Third Rule” Realistic?

When looking for places to live, one of the biggest elements of home shopping that people take into consideration is affordability. Personal...

What should you legally include in a maintenance request?

Who’s responsible for the repairs in rental properties? In most cases, that’s purely a landlord’s job. But to get everything fixed in...

How to recognize and avoid apartment rental scams

When searching for a new apartment to rent, you’ll probably run into a few listings that make you wonder if it's too good to...

When should I hire a moving company?

It's time to move out of your rental, which probably means testing the extent of your planning skills in a way you've never known...

Am I allowed to Airbnb my rental?

If you’re looking for a way to make extra money, Airbnb is an appealing option. After all, more than 2.5 million people have listed their home...

Rental application fees: What you need to know

When you’re moving into a new place, it can feel like unexpected fees and costs pop up all the time. One relatively low fee...

5 things your renters insurance policy doesn’t cover

Renters insurance is a big help when your property is lost, broken or stolen. It’s also a big help when you accidentally damage your...

How to find your perfect rental home fast

There are actually a lot of benefits to renting a place- you get all the privacy and space you want without the worry of...
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