looking for rental property - looking for rental propertyWhen you’re looking for a rental property to manage or invest in, the process can feel overwhelming, a bit like navigating a ship through a storm. And just like that ship, making one wrong move can have devastating consequences. This could be anything from insufficiently researching the rental market leading to poor investment decisions, to neglecting to screen tenants properly, which could result in unpaid rent or property damage. For those of you in the rental property business, you know that a single mistake can cost you not just money, but time and peace of mind too.

But before we dive into the how-to’s, let’s get real and unmask the top 5 mistakes to avoid when looking for rental property:

  1. Not thoroughly researching the rental market: Understanding what to charge for rent can make or break your investment.
  1. Neglecting to screen tenants properly: A bad tenant can result in lost income, property damage, or legal headaches.
  1. Ignoring maintenance and repairs: Deferred upkeep can lead to greater expenses down the road, not to mention unhappy tenants.
  1. Not having a proper rent collection system: Inefficient collection can lead to late payments, which hurts your bottom line.
  1. Failing to comply with local rental regulations: Non-compliance can result in heavy fines or legal action.

Now that we’ve laid out the critical mistakes to avoid rental property business, let’s dig deeper and explore how you can successfully steer clear of these pitfalls with Rentler.

Mistake 1: Not Thoroughly Researching the Rental Market

The Importance of Understanding the Rental Market in Your Area

When looking for rental property, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand the rental market in your area. For example, in a city like Denver, CO, the high cost of home ownership leads many people to opt for renting instead. This means a substantial demand for rental properties, but also a competitive market.

Understanding the rental market involves knowing the average rental prices, the demand for different types of properties, and the demographic of potential tenants. This information will help you make informed decisions about what properties to invest in, how to price your rentals, and how to effectively market them.

Consequences of Not Doing Proper Market Research

Without proper market research, you may find yourself facing a variety of challenges. You could end up investing in a property type that’s not in demand, pricing your property too high or too low, or struggling to find tenants because your property doesn’t meet their needs.

A Reddit user shared his regret about not following his passion because he chose a path based on societal expectations and financial stability. This teaches us a valuable lesson – when it comes to property investing, it’s important to follow the data and not just go with what ‘seems’ like a good idea.

Mistake 2: Neglecting to Screen Tenants Properly

The Importance of Tenant Screening

A key step when you’re looking for rental property tenants is tenant screening. Tenant screening is the process of evaluating potential renters to determine their ability to fulfill rental obligations. It includes checking their credit history, rental history, employment status, and even criminal records.

This process is essential because it helps you weed out potentially problematic tenants who might not be able to pay rent on time, damage your property, or cause other issues. It’s like a security check that protects your rental investment.

Risks of Inadequate Tenant Screening

Ignoring or inadequately performing tenant screening can lead to a host of problems. You might end up with a tenant who is consistently late on rent or, worse, can’t pay at all. You might also face expensive property damage or disputes that lead to legal complications.

In the long run, this could cause financial strain and unneeded stress. It could even lead to costly eviction proceedings, which can be a long and arduous process. Above all, it could mean lost income for every day the property remains vacant following such issues.

Rentler’s Tenant Screening

Our screening report, powered by TransUnion, provides a detailed look at a potential tenant’s financial and rental history. This allows you to make an informed decision about who you’re leasing your property to.

You’re not just getting a comprehensive look at a potential tenant’s credit history, but also their potential as a tenant. The more information you have, the safer your rental home and business will be.

Mistake 3: Ignoring Maintenance and Repairs

Maintenance and Repairs: A Priority, Not an Afterthought

When you’re looking for rental property to manage, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of finding the perfect location or a property with excellent profit potential. However, one area that should never be overlooked is the importance of timely maintenance and repairs.

Regular upkeep not only keeps your tenants happy and encourages them to renew their leases, but it also preserves the value of your property. It’s crucial to address maintenance issues as soon as they arise to prevent small problems from turning into big, costly ones.

The Cost of Neglect

Ignoring maintenance and repairs can have devastating consequences. A minor leak ignored can lead to significant water damage, mold growth, and expensive repair bills. Furthermore, neglecting maintenance can lead to unhappy tenants, negative reviews, and a tarnished reputation as a landlord or property manager. In some cases, you could even face legal issues if the property becomes uninhabitable due to neglect.

Streamlining Maintenance with Rentler

We understand that managing maintenance requests can be a daunting task, especially when you’re handling multiple properties.

With Rentler, tenants can submit maintenance requests directly through the platform, including images or videos of the issue. You can then assign the work to service pros, manage invoices, and communicate with all parties involved in one place. This way, you can resolve issues efficiently, keeping your properties in top shape and your tenants satisfied.

Remember, successful property management is about more than just collecting rent. It’s about maintaining and improving your properties to provide a safe and comfortable home for your tenants. Trust us at Rentler to help you achieve this.

Mistake 4: Not Having a Proper Rent Collection System

Rent collection is one of the most crucial aspects of property management. It’s the lifeblood that keeps your rental business running smoothly. Therefore, having a reliable system for collecting rent is fundamental.

The Importance of a Reliable Rent Collection System

When you’re looking for rental property, it’s easy to focus entirely on the property itself and overlook the system you’ll use to collect rent. However, a dependable rent collection system is vital for numerous reasons. It helps ensure a steady cash flow, minimizes misunderstandings with tenants, and saves you time and energy.

The Pitfalls of Inefficient Rent Collection

Inefficient rent collection can lead to a host of problems. Late payments, missed payments, and partial payments can disrupt your cash flow and even lead to legal disputes. In addition, manual collection methods can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and difficult to track.

Collect Rent Online with Rentler

We understand the importance of efficient rent collection. That’s why we’ve developed a rent collection feature that automates and streamlines the process.

Our platform allows landlords to get paid quickly and easily with online rental payment tools. Tenants can pay rent instantly, and this not only makes it more convenient but also ensures you receive payments on time.

Mistake 5: Failing to Comply with Local Rental Laws

When you’re looking for rental property to manage, it’s crucial to be aware of the local rental laws. For instance, if you’re operating in Denver, CO, knowing the local regulations can make a significant difference. As per the regulations, you must have a residential rental property license issued by the local government to legally rent your Denver home. Ignorance of these laws isn’t an excuse and can lead to significant penalties.

Failing to comply with local rental laws can result in potential legal issues and even hefty fines. For instance, if you decide to rent out your property without the necessary license, you could face fines that could severely impact your rental business. Not only could this cause financial strain, but it could also tarnish your reputation as a landlord or property manager.


It’s clear that looking for rental property can be a complex task, especially if you’re juggling multiple properties and tenants. The chances of making a misstep are high, as we’ve outlined in this article. We’ve explored five devastating mistakes you could make:

  1. Not thoroughly researching the rental market
  2. Neglecting to screen tenants properly
  3. Ignoring maintenance and repairs
  4. Not having a proper rent collection system
  5. Failing to comply with local rental laws

However, these mistakes are avoidable, especially when you have the right tools and knowledge at your disposal. That’s where we come in.

At Rentler, we understand the challenges that come with managing rental properties. We also know how fulfilling it can be when done right. That’s why we’ve built a comprehensive, easy-to-use platform to help landlords like you navigate the rental market more efficiently.

From tenant screening to rent collection, from maintenance requests to compliance with local rental laws, Rentler has you covered. Our goal is to make your job easier, so you can focus on growing your business and providing the best service to your tenants.

Denver rental property - looking for rental property