Common Rental Scams and How to Avoid Them

Renting an apartment is an exciting time, as it is often a milestone for most people. Maybe you've started your first real...

Furnishing Your New Apartment Without Breaking the Bank

Congratulations on your new place! However, you may find yourself without a couch. Furnishing a new apartment on a budget can seem...

What Kind of Rental Do You Belong In?

It was a challenge, but somehow we found a way to make renting even easier. Use this magic quiz to narrow down your apartment...

Renting your first apartment? 5 tips for the first time renter

When I moved into my first apartment, I had no idea what to expect. I was excited to live on my own, but soon...

3 Ways to Find the Best Student Housing

How many of you have searched for student housing? Sometimes the search can get rough. My approval process for finding student housing is almost...

What to Expect During the Rental Application Process

After touring apartments and finding one that suits your budget and needs, you need to be quick in starting the application process....

Just Moved? Change Your Address

So you just moved to a new place? I recently moved to a new home...odds are are that just like me, you'll have a...

10 Ways to Make Your Landlord Love You

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we asked landlords what makes them love their tenants. Here's what we found out: Make a good first impression// Fill...

Renting a Property? Here Are a Few Things to Check Beforehand

There is more to renting a property than simply looking at how it's laid out and the area it’s in. You should...
Renting 101: No More Notes on the Door
There's a smarter way to rent.

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