Articles for Tenants

Rental life can be stressful, we're here to help. In the tenants section of Four Walls you'll find temporary home decor ideas, tips for negotiating with your landlord, and more.

5 Signs a Rental Property is Unsafe

Before renting a property, it is imperative to make sure that it is free from any health hazards and won’t compromise your...

5 things you need in your small bathroom

At Rentler we spend a lot of time reading about the rental industry and bookmarking products we've stumbled across that are genius for small...

Let There Be Light in your Rental

Moody indoor ambiance has a time and a place, but you don't always want it to be dark when you're trying to rent to someone. If...

Should You Buy Smaller Furniture for Your Rental?

Common sense dictates that when you live in a small space, you don't want too many big pieces of furniture. At the same time,...

Purrfect Moves: Tips for Moving to a New Apartment with Your...

Although cats are creatures of habit and prefer to stick to familiar environments, sometimes we have to move and bring our feline...

How to pay rent when you’ve blown your monthly budget

The scenario is simple. It’s usually not your fault. You were too nice. You wanted to help someone. Okay, fine. Maybe you weren’t bailing...

3 Ways to Find the Best Student Housing

How many of you have searched for student housing? Sometimes the search can get rough. My approval process for finding student housing is almost...

7 Must-Have Home Features for Today’s Renters

In today's rental market, catering to tenants' preferences is essential to minimize vacancies and maximize the appeal of your property. Understanding what...

3 Home Decor Ideas To Celebrate Autumn  

Even though fall is winding down and winter is about to hit, you can still bring a final burst of fall color and texture...
There's a smarter way to rent.
There's a smarter way to rent.

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