Home Articles for Tenants

Articles for Tenants

Rental life can be stressful, we're here to help. In the tenants section of Four Walls you'll find temporary home decor ideas, tips for negotiating with your landlord, and more.

Beat the Heat: Tips for Keeping Your Home Cool

As amazing as the sun can feel after a long winter, there's a point when summer comes and cold air sounds better. The summer...

Timing is Everything: The Best Months to Rent for Tenants

Part one in a two part series. This week, we're talking about when you can get the best deals on an apartment if you're a tenant...

When Your Apartment is Your Office

Lately more and more offices are becoming "global" and allowing employees to work from home wherever they are. As a result, lots of people are...

Top 4 Myths About Renters Insurance

Renters insurance is an often-forgotten coverage that is surprisingly valuable to both tenants and landlords alike. Did you know that, according to the U.S....

A Simple Fix for Annoying Cabinets

This blog post might seem kind of random, but I recently fixed a problem that has been plaguing my apartment for months and thought it...

Let There Be Light in your Rental

Moody indoor ambiance has a time and a place, but you don't always want it to be dark when you're trying to rent to someone. If...

What $1,500 Gets You In 5 Cities  

No matter where you're living, rent probably takes up a sizable chunk of your budget. But how does what you're paying compare to rent prices...

Water-Saving Devices for Your Rental

We all know that going green is in these days, and for good reasons, too: global warming, climate changes, diminishing natural resources, carbon emission and growing...

How to Keep Your Apartment Cool

Summer is the best. Except when you don't have air conditioning in your four story walk-up and you spend those hazy summer nights Googling,...
There's a smarter way to rent.
There's a smarter way to rent.

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