1. You’re already more adept than Marie Kondo at paring down your stuff.

    If you live in 250 square feet of space, you probably don’t need to pare down your belongings by holding each item you own and asking if it brings you joy. That’s because it’s much harder to accumulate unnecessary things when you have nowhere to put them. Yes, it can be annoying when you run out of closet space, but it also forces you to automatically edit down your clothing and keep what you love.

  2. No weird roommates.

    If you’re living in a studio, chances are you’re living by yourself or with a partner. Every time you feel suffocated by the lack of square footage, remember that at least you don’t have to compete for bathroom time or worry about “accidentally” polishing off someone else’s takeout.

  3. Cleaning takes less time.

    Less area means less to clean. It’s science. Another unexpected bonus is how easy it is to put everything away. Since moving to a larger apartment, I’ve realized how much time it actually takes to walk from room to room putting everything where it goes. And then repeating it 100 times. In a studio apartment, everything is basically within reaching distance (for better or worse).

  4. You’ll be more inclined to spend time outdoors.

    If you start going slightly stir crazy living, eating, sleeping, and working in the same small room, desperation will probably force you to head out into the world. This can be a good thing. If moving from your bedroom to the couch can’t count as a change of scenery, you’re much more likely to go on a hike or just walk aimlessly around downtown.

  5. You don’t have to entertain if you don’t want to.

    While squeezing all your friends into your studio can definitely be done, it’s also nice to be able to use it as an excuse when you don’t feel like hosting a party. if you live in a popular city, it’s also an easy out for declining overnight guests that want to crash on your couch.

Amanda has worked as a journalist, an SEO copywriter, and a social media specialist. Her aim as a Four Walls contributor is to provide something worth reading and create a community for people who lease and love it. She’s also a real person, not just a mysterious internet writer, who loves silversmithing, podcast-binging, and trying to figure out how to fix her rented apartment’s bad linoleum floor (see, just like you!)